2009年12月31日 星期四

I live in Sanshia and the most popular nearby spot is Sanshia Old Street. I think the reason why it’s so popular is about architecture. When going for a walk along the Sanshia Old Street, it seems to enter the time tunnel. We can see a great stretch of brick arch and classical, antique buildings, which makes us sick for ancient times and forget to go back home to enjoy it. Since many shops in the old street managed by rich people before, the style and material for buildings are outstanding at that time. Many materials of buildings were imported from other places and even, some architects were hired from the UK. In the roof outshot and the underneath part of outdoor window lattice of the second floor have many kinds of decorative design implying various meanings and interests. Many young people can know the commercial buildings during the Japanese colonial rule and how famous it is in those years, which can have culture inheritance be handed down from one generation to another. However, it leads to destroy the historical nature appearance and becomes more and more commercialized due to the operation of many shops. However, basically Sanshia Old Street has been a landmark in Sanshia, that’s why many visitors come here to go shopping.

2009年12月30日 星期三

On my classmate's recommendation about the introduction of travel, I really would like to go to Thailand. There are many resorts of Thailand, which are managed by foreigner’s especially western people. I guess this is because Thailand is their favorite resort with beautiful beaches, strong eastern impresses, and lower prices of commodities; meanwhile, restaurants mainly serve western-style, Chinese-style and traditional Thailand food. While having a meal, you can also enjoy the river scenery. Many garden restaurants here have a lot of atmosphere. Besides, Aromatic Spa Treatment, Body Massage and Herbal Steam make me relaxed. In addition, you can also join forest activities, such as bamboo rafting, riding elephants, jungle running, rafting. Those are local popular activities and basically, Thailand is a paradise for travelers that’s, why I want to go there.

2009年12月29日 星期二

Stress is a common problem for most people in the modern society. We should find the proper ways to relieve stress, whether it arises from the worries of work or other specific reasons.
For my habits, doing exercise is the best medicine of eliminating pressure to relax my mind and body after a stressful and difficult day. A long run and going for a swim are both my good choices of exercise, which I often make. Of course, the easiest way in helping me get rid of stress is taking a deep breath whenever I feel it.
Without a doubt, the reason why I always easily become stressed out is lack of enough time to complete something urgent with the time limit or encountering great difficulties at work. However, as long as the work is completed as scheduled or difficulties can be readily solved, stress will released so fast. Therefore, to be organized and efficient is the one and the only way of assisting me in solving these problems as above-mentioned.
Occasionally, after a day’s work I relax by having a glass of red wine before going to bed. In addition, listening to classic music or going to an interesting movie also has a great effect on release of working pressure. In brief, try to do something simple and happy all the time.
It is believed that if we find out our own ways to feel better under pressure, we will be able to overcome a lot of difficulties we have faced and get further success in not only work but also other aspects.

2009年12月22日 星期二

Hong Kong is a city of great vitality, where East meets West in a fusion of creativity and dynamism unrivalled anywhere on the planet. Everywhere, every day, opportunities await those who seek them.
At the south-eastern tip of China, Hong Kong covers Hong Kong Island, Lantau Island, the Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories, including 262 outlying islands. Between Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula lies Victoria Harbour, one of the world's most renowned deep-water harbours
Hong Kong's climate is sub-tropical, with temperatures dropping below 10 degrees Celsius in winter and exceeding 31 degrees Celsius in summer. It is warm, sunny and dry in autumn, cool and dry in winter, and hot, humid and rainy from spring to summer
Hong Kong is a multicultural city with a multiracial population living in harmony. Tolerance for the customs and traditions of all religions and ethnic groups is part of the city's cosmopolitan philosophy. It is only natural that facilities exist for all in this peaceful and eclectic city. In Hong Kong, everyone is free to openly worship according to their own beliefs. As most of the world's religions have places of worship here, any religious group with special dietary requirements is easily catered for in Hong Kong
Hong Kong is a wonderful trip place. There are much delicious food and many shopping malls in the city. The weather in Hong Kong is similar to Taiwan. The people there is mostly Chinese and, have course, I can meet many people from different countries in the world. The horse racing in Hong Kong is very excited and is held twice every week. Besides, the Disneyland Park and the Ocean Park are the most wonderful paradise in the city. More important is that Hong Kong is not too far away from Taiwan and I can travel between the two places by flight in one and a half hour.
To make some decisions in my mind in this new year
First of all, I myself English can be ability promotion. At least, I can read two kinds English magazine or book in the week. Then, Finding out with foreigner to talk with each other chance and modify speech ability. It is a systematic attempt to strengthen our competitive skill.

Second, I want my family very happy life. I can to get position advancement for make much money. I with my family plan to go to travel twice a month. It is a mood of optimism pervaded in family life.

Third, I want to quit some bad habits. I will decrease smoking; I will try to decrease smoking five cigarettes every day. Then, I will improve overeat and over drink the habits. The diet can be balanced and keep standard weight. I will do my best to reach it.

2009年11月30日 星期一

I guess, I should be on water activities. I like going to the beach most cause from I really like to see the beach especially if it's really clean. The ocean gives you that feeling of being free.Interested in going to the beach today? That sound is very happy a thing. The beach cans you to do play a lot of thing. You can go swimming, play volleyball, fishing, diving snorkeling, surfing and look at the eye candy or building sand castles.
Because it has many playthings, so I really like going to the beach. But it has dangerous, so you must be taken to insure oneself safety.
Gaber : May I speak to Mr. Huang , please.
This is Gaber of ABC company.
Roy : This is Mr.Huang speaking.
Gaber : I would like to have an appointment with you.
Roy : I will visit your factory at 10:00 PM tomorrow.
Gaber : I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Roy : see you
Gaber : see you
Roy : Hi , is Gaber in the office.
Vicky : Do you have an appointment with him?
Roy : Yes , I have a ten o’clock appointment.
Vicky : I will tell Gaber that you are here. Please wait here in the reception room.
Roy : Alright , thank you.
Vicky : Would you like a cup of tea or coffee ?
Roy : A cup of tea , thank you.
Gaber : May I introduce the customer from IEM company ,
Mr Huang And Mr Huang this is our manager Mr. Kuo
Jerry : How do you do , Mr Huang
Roy : How do you do , Mr Kuo Glad to meet you , too.
Jerry : Gaber has told me a lot about you .I have often heard of you in business and I have been looking forward to meeting you.
Gaber : Please have a seat. Make yourself at home.
Roy : Thank you I am so glad to be here.
Jerry : Here is my name card and may I have Yours?
Roy : Yes , this is mine.
Jerry : Would you be interesting in going to see our new products
in Taipei trade exhibition next Friday?
Roy : That would be very nice.
Ken : Welcome to our booth.
Gaber : Mr Huang this is our salesman , Ken
Ken : How do you do , Mr Huang
Roy : How do you do , Ken
Ken : Our PDA is the best in the market with its light weight and low price. Compared with competing products , it is smaller and lighter.
There has been a big rush for our products lately.
Here is the catalog you asked for.
Roy : Thank you.
When you go to an interview, you want to make a good impression. Here are five things not to do during an interview:

1.Don't be late to the interview.If you are late,then you don't care about the job.Be on time is very important.

2.Don't be rude to anyone. Be polite to everyone and make friends with the receptionist. He or she can help you. If you aren't nice, everyone will soon know.

3.Don't say bad things about your old boss. Don't be a negative person.

4.Don't use bad language. That's not professional.

5.Don't lie. People will find out. Tell the turth about everything--even your bad experiences.Tell about about the lessons you learned from it.

Finally, wish you find out a good work in today year.

Thanks for your listening~
Do you think the Chinese are superstitious?
I've heard a lot of funny things about Chinese wedding customs.For example,the bridegroom should not be older than the bride by three, six, or nine years; and certain signs of the zodiac cannot marry certain other signs. For instance, a person who was born in the year of the dragon cannot marry some one who was born in the year of the tiger, because they will fight each other.
Are you very religious some thing? If you asked to me . I can tell you ,I don't like it either. If those superstitions really work, then why is the divorce rate still so high in Taiwan? But it was my personal idea .The other hand , Most people believes in superstitious for it was the old tradition in Chinese

2009年11月29日 星期日

At lately, I often to went to interview for created new maket.Acorrding to, my personal has experience to do some conversation with Roy .

Q1: Hi, nice to meet you.My name is Roy. I am the manager of sales department.Today is your interview.Fist, what's your name?

Ans: My name is Gaber.Nice to meet you.

Q2:Tell me about yourself.

Ans:I graduate from college, and major in Applied Foreign Languages.I am an active and easy-going person and also like interacting with people.

Q3:Excellent. Why do you like to apply for the job?

Ans:Because I not only like this company,but also explore the world by touching coustomers.Moreover I believe I will improve in the future with the environment of your company.

Q4:Why do you resign from you previous company?

Ans:Because my parents wanted me to come back hometown, I quitted from previous company.Now I am here to apply this new job.

Q5:What's your strength and weakness?

Ans: I am very punctual and responsible at work. I am also a patient person, and I believe patient is quite necessary character when dealing with customers. In the other hand, I think I lack the time sense.

Q6:How much do you know about our company?

Ans: I have noticed your company for a long time when I was a university student. As a result of location and company system, there is good fame in the industry.Therefore I want to apply for the job.

Q7:What are you interests outside of work?

Ans: I like reading, listening the music, and jogging.These activities make me relax pressure.

Q8:Do you have any question about our company or the job?

Ans: Thank you very much. I will look forward to hear good news from you. I really feel like to get this job.

that's all~

2009年10月30日 星期五

There is growing trend in some countries to restrict smoking. Many smokers think that this is a violation of their right. I think it is my right to smoke. However, I agree that there should be limitations.

The first and most important reason to smoke should be banned only in enclosed spaces. Second-hand smoke really bothers some people. Some are even allergic.

The second reason is restrict smoking in public places. I think we need to share our spaces. Because we are free country for we should all respect the rights of others.

To summarize, the limitations should be reasonable. I think it should not be allowed in enclosed and public places. It should be allowed where it cannot bother anyone.

2009年10月28日 星期三

Hello everyone.This is a photograph of my in Taipei world Trade center.It was taken by my friend when I visited in Taipei world Trade center from comptext last time.In Taiwan,Every year have many kinds of show. I usually to visit show when I'm work to need.
The TWTC was started in 1986. It's in Taiwan's largest exhibition hall is a landmark on the nation's business horizen. This showground consists of 23450 square meters and it's divided into four areas with a capacity for 1300 stardard exhibition booths.
In conclusion, Every year have many kinds of tradshow for worldwide. It brings the nation's enconomy is growing up.
Thank you.
According to, there are many types of music in the world due to different countries. Every country have their creative music. It's own varies culture and information. The one of popular music for following their own varies culture and true life to hand down.For the popular music in 20 century, we have Blue, Jazz, classical music, pop music.... and also the new style such as heavy metal, rock and hip pop and so on.
At first, classical music is the most people to recommend type one. It’s very comfortable and soft for listening. It always brings people into a peace world to enjoy the musical notation in their deep mind. The long sell products, as Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, Mozart, Tchaikovsky...and I love the classical world.
The next one, blue and jazz born from south of USA. By black people whom to voice their mood. By music in the small and under ground room so people always call it for mood music.
Finally, It’s very easy to get into with and share the mood. People can follow so quickly to sing and dance. Their feelings new age pop music is the one of mainstream, that's for sure.
To sum up, popular music changes constantly. We think great music can to go around of the world. Cross the space-time. People who like to eulogize everywhere till the end.

2009年10月27日 星期二

I wish to improve my English. But I do not give enough effort to studying . These days I am busy with my job and homework. I feel to study English or to do anything by yourself hard and heart. In the here , I can write a story or some expression to share give my reader. I really very thank my teacher and student are to help me for my study English .Although learning a foreign language can be hard. Finding chances to practice the new language isn't easy. There are too many new words to learn, and grammar is hard.But I see to do it can have chance finish.Some people don't like to share embarrassing moments. But I don't care.Becurse I like to make people laugh from my identity.I often make mistakes, and that is OK. Making mistakes can help me learn. Finally, I think tell Ken ,Roy,Jerry...let me together encourage for during to learn.
Do you like trains? I do! I love to business by train, so I went on a trip on the High speed Rail! There are many cars on this first train.There are have different classes of service. You can choose to sit in a standard class car or a business class car.Business class in more comfortable,but standard class is cheaper! Why does this train go so fast? Because it have a very powerful engin. The high speed rail also uses special train tracks. These trains make less noise and pollution.The high speed rail stations are also special. They are very modern and clean. These stations need to have long platfroms where passengers can get on this long train! I'm very like it .Next time ,If I want to business ,I will be choose by train at first one .

2009年9月10日 星期四

There is no exact definition of the word happiness. Happy people are happy for all sorts of reasons. The key is not wealth or physical well-being, since we find beggars, invalids and so-called failures that are extremely happy.I was living in rural village in the childhood.I liked to catch the insects ,climb the tree or go fishing in this area.Sometimes I went swimming in the river but I didn't let my parents know about it. However, I didn't study hard but I still got good grades in the elementary school. My parents were also pround of my school grades.I had a playmate ,whose name calls "Fatty", also was my classmate.His grade was not very good ,but he got so many funny ideas. We caught the frogs in farm and put frogs into girls' schoolbags to frighten them.I feel happy all the time whenever I think of my sweetest childhood.Being unhappy is like an infectious disease; it causes people to shrink away from the sufferer. He soon finds himself alone, miserable and embittered. There is, however, a cure so simple as to seem, at first glance, ridiculous: If you don't feel happy, pretend to be.So,I like simple in my childhood life.
I will let me my children to realize this reason.

2009年9月7日 星期一

The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important festivities in China, According to Chinese lunar calendar, the 15th day of the 8th month is the exact midst of autumn, so it‘s called the Mid-Autumn Festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival is an evening celebration when families gather together to light lanterns, eat moon cakes and appreciate the round moon. On that night, the moon appears to be at its roundest and brightest. The full moon is a symbol for family reunion, which is why that day is also known as the Festival of Reunion.

Since the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing dynasties (1644-1911), the custom of Mid-Autumn Festival celebration has become unprecedentedly popular. Together with the celebration appeared some special customs in different parts of the country, such as burning incense, planting Mid-Autumn trees, lighting lanterns on towers and fire dragon dances, etc. Whenever the festival sets in, people would look up at the full silver moon, drinking wine to celebrate their happy life, or thinking of their relatives and friends far from home and extending all of their best wishes to them.
In mid-autumn, farmers have just finished gathering their crops and bringing in fruits from the orchards. They are overwhelmed with joy when they have a bumper harvest and at the same time, they feel quite relaxed after a year of hard work. So the 15th day of the eighth lunar month (the Mid-Autumn Festival) has gradually evolved as a widely celebrated festival for ordinary people. Night falls. The land is bathed in silver moonlight. Families set up tables in their courtyards or sit together on their balconies, chatting and sharing offerings to the moon. Together, they enjoy the enchanting spell of night. Naturally, they are reminded of beautiful legends about the moon.

2009年9月6日 星期日

Do you like ride bicycle free time ? Nowaday, many people that reduced energy the fashion. According to, I know have 1 million~2 millions people ride bicycle in Tawan.Of course, In Taiwan have more and more prople likes this sport.I usually wander around on bicycle in the park. Sometimes I can go to outside the scenic route, along the coast ride bicycle in the weekend. Otherwise , it is very popular for ride bicycle recently.Relativity ,also has a specially place for ride bicycle.Every time have to would a lot of people come at holiday.Last weekend, I went to Green Tunnel in Taoyuan .This weekend, I took with my family to Green Tunnel. Riding the bycicle on the track, we leisurely enjoyed the scenery. This is a picture we took while we were on the bycicle track. If anyone has the opportunity, it's a good place to go.Where is beautiful environment scenic the place. You can enjoy summer sunlight and nature or promote your emotion by bike with family. This feeling is very special is priceless treasure. I hope to see you and your family soon, too.

2009年9月5日 星期六

I believed that look at show the expression for everyone. What are you look at show's target? Is pretty girl or found soure factory or buy more cheap thing...etc. Every year have many kinds of show for worldwide. For example,In Taiwan have Taipei world trade center,In Hong Kong have HKCEC is Hong Kong's large-sized conference and exhibition,In Chain have Guangzhou International exhibition, In Germany have koelnmesse exhibition...etc. It brings the nation's enconomy is growing up.Over there I can enough for my work to need.Last time,there is a very important tradeshow, The Electronic Show, these couple day. Lots of computers and computer peripherals will be sold during the show.Computers are not expensive in Taiwan, but they will be cheaper during the show. Lots people come to buy them, so the place is very crowded.A special "feature" of the Electron Show is that every booth will hire many show girls and hot girls to promote their products. Guys in Taiwan enjoy watching show girls and taking pictures with them. Thus, about 70% to 80% of people who come to the show are guys...Ha!!Ha!!, do you like to watch show girls?

2009年9月2日 星期三

In 1930,Paris,the restaurant for luncheon name is Foyot's.

Narrator and his friend-by-correspondence a woman who is round 40 years old, talkative and have more teeth, white and large and even.

Plot summary-
The story started in 1930,Paris, the very expensive restaurant for luncheon name is Foyot's,Narrator met his friend-by correspondence a woman there.The woman who is round 40 years old, talkative and have more teeth, white and large and even, Narrator prepare to be an attentive listener due to Foyot's is more expensive than he can afford so he can counted when the woman re-order and always keep his smiled to be generously man. The Luncheon seems long, depressive,Narrator left Foyot's without a penny in his pocket.

After read this short story, I wondering if I am Narrative should I be honestly to talk to my friend-by-correspondence about my status or discuss to change the restaurant to keep my normal life and to have a great luncheon with my friend-by-correspondence or that just a man's improper pride?

2009年8月20日 星期四

1. Title:Santa Cruise

2. Author: Mary Higgins Clark/Carol Higgins Clark

3. Publisher: Simon & Schuster

4. Date of Publication:2006/8

5. Pages:261pages

6. Major characters:

Alvirah Meehan is the lottery winner turned amateur sleuth and her
husband, Willy; recently hitched private detective Regan Reilly and her
groom, Jack, head of the NYPD Major Case Squad; and Regan's parents,
Nora and Luke, are guests on the Royal Mermaid's maiden voyage, the
Santa Cruise. The cruise is Commodore Randolph Weed's gift to a select
group of people who in the last year "made the world a better place."
What he really wants is good publicity that will generate future bookings
for his struggling new venture. He also plans to scatter his beloved
mother's ashes at sea during this four-day odyssey in the Caribbean. What
he doesn't know is that his never-do-well nephew, Eric, has smuggled two
escaping criminals on board. Eric is also their accomplice.

7. Plot Summary:

Other passengers include members of the Oklahoma Readers and Writers

group, who volunteer their time teaching people to read. The group is

planning a mystery seminar dedicated to a Ghost of Honor, the late Left
Hook Louie, a champion prizefighter turned best-selling author. There are
also ten men on board who had donated their time playing Santa Cruise
during the holiday season as well as assorted other charitable folk, all
planning on a restful post-Christmas vacation.


This novel is very interesting. Before journey starting, each passenger is
happy to receive, but the hoped-for tranquility soon vanishes. A mystery
fan swears she has spotted the Ghost of Honor in the ship's chapel. Two
Santa suits disappear from a locked supply room. A storm develops, and
in the infirmary an attempt is made on the life of a seemingly feeble
As the Royal Mermaid sails through troubled waters, Alvirah, Regan, and
Jack are uncovering the clues that lead them to dangerous criminals who
were not on the original guest list!
Alvirah and Willy Meehan, lottery winners, are guests upon the newly
refurbished "Santa Cruise". It is the maiden voyage of Commodore
Randolph Weed's cruise ship. As a marketing ploy dreamt up by cruise
director, Dudley, this voyage is a free trip given to honor those people
whose charitable contributions made life a little better for others. It
curiously included ten 'Santas' who year after year heard the wishes of
children everywhere. When a series of odd and law-breaking occurrences
happen abroad the ship, amateur sleuth, Alvirah revs up her nose for clues
and discovers an intertwining series of plots hatched by monsters,
law-breakers, ex-wives and shady characters.
This book is about a 'do-gooders' cruise given by a cruise ship owner
trying to drum of business for his fledgling cruise ship. From the get-go
things go wrong. Commodore's nephew is stowing away two dangerous
fugitives, a member of the staff jumps overboard to avoid being arrested,
storms...etc. In the middle of everything is a man planning a heist. It
certainly had the makings of a good mystery. It is fun to read, to wonder
about everything and enjoy it in the end.

2009年8月17日 星期一

Do you remember that my classmate Jerry?Jerry is my good friend both of some chat work thing . It work fixed airplane.I often listen to work thing by and by know about airplane thing.

I'll start try to know more it reguested. I know that is very specialization. Because of this course let me think know more and more many airplane things.But to talk shop. On second thoughts I changed my mind. Finally,I find new customer from airplane manufacturer.
We are processing factory the fourth step.The first step is Goodrich .Goodrich Corporation is a global supplier of systems and services to aircraft and engine manufacturers, airlines and defense forces around the world. From aerostructures and actuation systems to landing gear, engine control systems, sensors and safety systems, Goodrich products are on almost every aircraft.The second is Penny.A divsion of Curtiss-Wright Corporation,Curtiss-Wright Controls has a long and pround history of supplying flight control and utility actuation components and subsystems used on military and commercial aircraft platforms.The thirth step is SHB.Shakespeare Engineering has developed an international reputation for innovative engineering and quality workmanship supported by professional service and competitive pricing.
I only speak, it is high profit and high difficulty for airplane parts.

2009年8月13日 星期四

I really like my small daughter for it have many special action in face and body language.I mean, She is so funny and pretty.I often look it every action and behavior in side.She can speak the outer space and sing a song.She can show many action.For example, She became a penguin, kangaroo and open mouth hippo...and so on. She is not tall but she is cute. she looks like a japaness doll.She sometimes cried for help ...My major interest is to play with my small daughter.She is merry maker in the home.Watching her grow up healthily.I will learn new things and plays with her.My daughter is going to be two years old.I know many people who don't like born children.This decided for children of coure, because it has high burden.If you change your mind that is very easy and happy.Turst me,you can make it.Fanilly, I want to say something about Typhoon Morakot.I watching TV news,I don't know so serious Typhoon Morakot.I wish these people to be cursed with it can get best love and help.

2009年8月12日 星期三

This picture is preschool graduation ceremoney from my daughter that is small class promotion the middle class.In the there is very noisy because it have many show programs.All children are baby from parents heart.Is here you can to be clear about make out. This is the power of parental love~Y.Of course, I believe that you do ,too.The first,Preschool leader start talking~Today extremely is honored may with fellow guardians, the welcome guest celebrate we lovable lively big class child to graduate together, in today graduation, all children has prepared ornamental hairpin h splendidly, the lovable performance, lets the heart which we uses most to anticipate wait for the children to unfold they most splendid achievement performance. Now, invites fellow welcome guests ~ patience the waiting.. Receives, we first.. (** class child's performance or** person deliver a speech) by the warm applause welcome.This talking to speak english ~I feel very amazing so ...smooth. I guess her is English class guaduate to look like my classmate .I remember Amber is preschool leader.Finally,Look at my daughter start beautiful dance ,it is for a long time to practice. Everybody warm applause it can win warm applause.You really very good and diligent.

2009年8月11日 星期二

My summer vacation is very happy,but it already to blow over half. Most time is work,but my work is interested a part,too.The picture is play swimming with my family in Yilan.In summer is very hot.I like going to the beach ,but it's always croweded on summer weekends.I like to go abroad ,because it's not croweded. I like going to the beach most cause from I really like to see the beach especially if it's really clean.The ocean gives you that feeling of being free.Interested in going to the beach today? That sound is very happy a thing.Of course, the sun's really strong. You can..where's the umbrella rental? or Where's the suntan lotion? Why? Look at the picture , this is best evidence. I mean, I like swimming but I don't like to get a lot of sun. The truth is that body is very pain~o.

2009年6月2日 星期二

Hi, everyone First of all, thank you all for coming here today. Let me introduce myself. My name is Gaber from Lunghwa university.Today's topic is" how to decompression". To reduce pressure is important and needs to use the right way. I divided my presentation into two parts. The first, don't be often stay on at home. How do we mood is happy. The Second, don't be lazy. How do we body active? My talk should take about 3 minutes. Feel free to ask any question, you can any time take my talk. Don't worry about my talk .I'll e-mail powerpoint presentation to you. How to make the body and mood both relaxes is very important. You can use the exercise to come the reduced pressure. For example, our president is with runs and swims the reduced pressure. Of course, goes out the traveling or chats with the friend is the reduced pressure ways. As you can see here, this pie chart shows our total pressure comes from reason and how it is divided among the various pressure sector areas. We can see that 45% of comes from work. The second biggest area with a total of 35% of comes from family. That 20% of comes from others. Thank you very much for your attention. In conclusion, I think that the pressure too greatly wants the reduced pressure, but will not have the pressure not to progress. Finally, do you any question? Ok!! Thank you!!

2009年5月31日 星期日

The Chinese is very important for have a meal is on time.Have a meal is improtant especially breakfast.A Chinese breakfast can have many different dishes.There are fried bread sticks,egg cakes,steamed buns and many other choices.I couldn't decide what to drink,but I got some soymilk.Soymilk can be hot or cold,sweet or salty.I really like my soymilk cold and sweet.It tastes great with Chinese breakfast foods.Because the protions of food are small,a Chinese breakfast doesn't take long to eat.I usually eat steamed buns and a cup of soymilk for my breakfast.I like eat breakfast at the same time look at newspaper.Eat breakfast have a very happy the feeling.

I really like dog for it quite ture,but I don't raise dog.Why? Let me tell you a way of looking at things.First of all, In my house have many children ,I don't raise dog for it can have some germ.Next,I think Taipei is way too small to raise this kind of animal. I've known people who have had really big dogs.But the dogs have to stay inside all the time beacuse its owners are scared that will get hit by a car if they go outside.Meanwhile,It can to have a bowel movement and urine from anywhere.Fianlly,it can barking at night .There may be a few places in Taipei where you could raise a pet.But I think the city is too small.If you really like dog ,you can raise a machine or electron dog.

What do I want to learn how to do? I want to learn how to play the fire. I got the best experience on the last time from Thailand,but it only have several hours.I really like to play the fire because it have a special feeling.That is a boy become a man the way.Of course,you must find a wide place for play the fire of exercise.Although,I visited many country for play the fire of exercise,but I hope I have a play the fire of exericse place.Did you knew that wear cartridge with body feeling as if it were on fire.That is very cool,but it very hurt. I never had a chance to play the fire in Taiwan.I can guess what will happy next for play the fire to open up.

I like to eat Chinese food. I think Chinese food is healthier than Western food.I like to eat Chinese food because it have many choices.If you like to taste piquancy.You can eat Sichuan dishes.If you like to taste sour. You can to eat Zhejiang dishes. If you don't like to eat so much.You can go to nightmarket because it have kinds of snack supply give you choice.That's why so many elementary school students in Taiwan are fat.Many people are really like to eat Chinese food, because it's very delicious food.Of course,I sometimes eat Japanese food and Western food.So maybe I can eat a hamburger for a snack,but I think that a good meal should contain rice.The food has a mother taste.

2009年5月29日 星期五

The World Health Organisation (WHO) swine flu pandemic alert level is currently set at Phase 5, its second highest level. This means that human to human transmission of the virus has occurred in at least two countries, and a pandemic is imminent, but not a foregone conclusion.
The Foreign office is still advising against all but essential travel to Mexico. According to latest figures released by the WHO, a total of 5,728 people have now been infected with the influenza A (H1N1) virus, including 61 deaths. Countries hardest hit by the disease are all in the Americas - Mexico, USA and Canada. The United States has now overtaken Mexico with the highest number of confirmed cases of swine flu, 3009 compared to 2059, including three deaths. Outside Mexico, the five people who have died as a result of swine flu had pre-existing health conditions.
In Europe, a total of 210 confirmed cases of swine flu have been reported to date. Sixty eight of these have occurred in the UK, with a further three hundred people awaiting test results.

2009年5月28日 星期四

Rita Murphy's debut novel is a wonderful story about a young girl on the verge of becoming a women who is struggling to define her own self against a backdrop of rules and family secrets. Anyone can relate to Georgia's struggle between living up to her family's expectations of her and fulfilling her own desires. The language is simple, yet it paints a beautiful picture of ruralVermont that readers of any age can appreciate. It is a captivating tale about a girl getting in touch with herself that makes your greatest dreams turn to reality. It's very easy to fall into. When you read it, you'll feel as if you're a part of it. Flying with Eva, Maeve, Suki, stif old grandmother, and Georgia and feeling their anger, sorrow, and joy. It will inspire you to be open and truthful with yourself and with others. I recomend this book for ages 9-99 and garentee a great ride. This book would be interesting to those who enjoy fantasy because of the thought of flying and the descriptions the author gives allow you to picture the events vividly in your mind. Since this is a coming of age story, teenage girls could learn a lot from the strength and courage Georgia exhibits and in her ability to make decisions. This would be an excellent book for teenagers who are questioning rules, family relationships, and even the devastation caused by secrets. The choices Georgia and her family make are positive and provide a good role model
for teens to follow.
1. Title: Night Flying.

2. Author: Rita Murphy.

3. Publisher: Random House.

4. Date of publication: November 27, 2000.

5. No. of pages: 126 pages.

6. Major characters:
Major characters have Eva, Maeve, Suki, stif old grandmother, and Georgia.

7. Plot summary:
Georgia Hansen, along with all the other women in her family posses a special gift: the ability to fly. Despite the freedom that this type of power affords, the Hansen women's existence is controlled by rules created by Georgia's domineering grandmother. Even though Georgia knows the rules are essential to her family's survival, she can not help but feel stifled by them and dreams of a world where the only rule is that there are no rules. While she is preparing for her first solo flight, Georgia's mysterious Aunt Carmen returns home after being banished from the family farm for rebelling against the rules. By accident (or by design) she reveals to Georgia secrets about her past and sets her off into a fit or rage and confusion during which she breaks one of the family's most important rules.

2009年5月27日 星期三

The political culture refers to the political .Operation system, and including the Corresponding value, the thought system. The culture is the life style and the ideology performance.
The first,most people with violence. The social popularity causes to control everything, and lets minority of people who have the different idea person feel afraid. These kinds of violence create the social phenomenon, and go with the stream with limiting the creativity.Next, probably most people's decision is not an unwise decision. In the "Republic of Plato”, Plato pointed out that the most decisions are very difficult to be correct. Therefore in five political ideologies, the democratic policy among the bottom second is better than dictatorship. Dictatorship is that one person decide everything will produce the tyrant, but democratic policy is that most people make decision will produce the rioter.The third, rational ignorance. According to scholar's analysis, in a large population of democratic country, it is easy to produce the rational and ignorant people. The ideal democracy should be that people put heads together so as to get better results. People must achieve the experience exchange and then make the decision again.Finally,election tricks. According to the ignorance of people who only emphasize heavy democracy will bring an evil consequence. That is stopping at nothing of election.Taiwan politics culture has many conditions which are worth engaging in introspection,and that are still discussed continuously.

Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) is Hong Kong's large-sized conference and exhibition. It is location at north of WaChai in Hong Kong island, and is also one of main landmark building. HKCEC is owned by Hong Kong Trade Development Council(香港貿易發展局), and managed by HKCEC Limited . Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre began in 1988, passed through many times the extension project, also included the reclamation to make, enabled to become the Asian trade activity and the international conference important place.
Even you do not visit, and also has not liked by chance soon as the association performance, HKCEC is worth touring. The centre’s new wing construction stretches out the Victoria port, does not have the visual barrier. It appreciates that is the ornamental best place to see Hong Kong seascape, and in the gorgeous night scene is also worth recommending.

I really don't see that being famous would be nice. I guess,I have as below ~.The first,you can't freedom to outside.Next, you can no private life ,because you can have many people fellowing.The third, you can have a group for carazy fans.Of course, being famous would probably have many advantage.For example, you can famous become movies stars and super stars. You can become very rich.But in general, I don't think it would be nice to be famous.

2009年5月21日 星期四

Although Taiwan and China are mutually understandable languages, there are quite different is driving habit. One different is the law. The visitor can apply the international drive license then can rent a car in Taiwan and drive in Taiwan but not allow in China. The visitor or even the oversea company staff from other country either. The second is the drive culture also different of horn way and it's fun version. Lot people arrived China always take the Taxi to the destination and they always hold the handrail when they get on the taxi and let go when they arrived due to a car passed whole things at top speed, sounding its horn but it’s less in Taiwan. It's not just the art of waiting in the traffic hour, it 's horn all the time and it's the driving habit different part. Taiwan horning is not allowed. The different of driving habit above or others for your reference but I think we understand each other most of the time because we have been go through.

2009年5月14日 星期四

Last week,I went to Malaysia a business travel. I had occured many funny things.The first,I looked at many ethnic group from prepared by taxi at airport outside the place.They waited for coustomer arrival because it is taxi dirver.There were kinds of many ethnic had India,Malaysia,Chinese.It asked to me.Where to?Do you want to take a taxi?I take a taxi for driver in Chinese.It asked to me..Where can I take you to? I don't where that is. After,I telled it for my hotel name"equatorial hotel"...Do you knew where the equatorial hotel....Yes,I do(driver ask)...I think this is my English very well.When this is the first from my feeling.Then,I went to the hotel.Of course,I spoke English for check in my room.This is the second for spoke English.The third from my coustomer company.The fourth from a restaurant waiter.I came to Malaysia until for returning home. I was in all sevsnteen for spoke English.I guess, I was a business travel very happy for my English result.

2009年5月13日 星期三

Let's take a look at the line graphs. The death toll of swine flu in Mexico was about 2 on 25th April. It’s rose slightly to 7,on next day. The number of sharply to 33%,on next day.The number of rapidly to 50% on the roket following day quickly to 80%,on next day.The number of huge to 90%,on 1th May.It almost increase to 91%.

Let's have a look at the pies showing the confirmed cases of swine flu inflection in major continents. According to the left .One it shows that 80% of the infected is found in America , while 10% of them is in European nations. Asia , as well as the others, accounts for only 5% of the whole numbers.
Among the countries in America a majority of the patients, or 91% is reported in Moxico. It is neighboring nation,that 91% of the infected patients 8% of us.The others about 1% is reported in Canada.

2009年5月11日 星期一

The frauds work by phone and go to victim’s place to cheat.
They tell the victims their children are kidnapped or pretend a public official to cheat.
The elders, student, and housewives are usually victims.
From news reports, they lost about hundreds of hundreds dollars.
I think first, I must remember to check the issue is correct or not.
Next we can call police to conform there trick is true or fake
Just remember to be cool down first. Thinking the problem is logical or not.

My apartment's very beautiful and nice. It has a bright and wide livingroom with a big TV and a comfortable sofa.My daughters are very like to run in the livingroom and often to jump in the sofa.Of course,Livingroom is to play game place,too.In the center,you can see three bedrooms.The bedroom have a lot of toy for my children play game the places.The bedroom have a baby bed ,biggest bed ,toliet,and big window in the back for i and my wife with small daughter the place.Another the bedroom have a lot of dolls for my big daughter the place.Next to,you can see the kitchen.It's very clean and bright for my wife most love the place.I really like my apartment.

2009年5月4日 星期一

Thinking of marriage ? Still looking for the right one ? Perhaps these 7 tips will come in handy.Acknowledge that there is no ideal partner. An ideal partner is all a MYTH. It is ultimately just an ideal. We live in reality; and in reality , we are not perfect. Relook at your list of traits or ‘must haves’ that you want in a partner. Are there anything you can live without? The longer the list, the more difficult for someone to fill out. Cut it down to the basics.Identify what matters most.Do you go for looks? Wealth? Career or a Good heart? Concretize what you really want in your partner. The clearer you are with what you want, the easier it will be for you to spot. You can’t change a person. You can only change yourself.Don’t choose someone you hope to change when you marry. There is a high chance that who you marry now will likely be the same person 10 , 20 years later. Couples do adjust to one another's traits and quirks as their relationship grow but it usually happens after years of marriage. Do you have the patience? Be in the right place, at the right time Chances of finding a religious man is higher at a religious event than being at the library. Do some homework. Find out where the ones you like usually hang out. Make the effort to look around.Cast your net wideThe more eyes looking out, the more choices you will have. Don't be shy about asking for help. Identify people whom you trust who have your happiness in mind. Chances are, they would be more stringent in their choices than you would. Don't get pressured into accepting recommendations. It is still YOUR choice.Be the ideal.Remember, someone else is also looking for his/her ideal partner in you. Work on being the best person you can be for yourself. Make your best traits shine.Others will take notice. Rely on God When you have done your best, leave it to God to help you. Have a positive attitude and be open to see opportunities. Ask for guidance. God works in surprising ways.

My father was a oneself-education person who believed that example is better thanprecept. In my childhood, he taught me that we must assume full responsibilityfor the family and have the contribution to the society. His background was unusually poor, and therefore needed to go to fish with my grandfather in order to manager the family’s cost regularly. He had never accepted the normal education, but still had been studying with a part-time job. When he graduated from the junior high school, he told my grandfather that he wanted to go to Taipei to learn the technology, and then he had done. While he was working withstudying, our own factory was built the foundation gradually. Then my father took my grandfather and grandmother with her siblings to Taipei for living and working together. Until now I finally realize this sentence’s meaning. In my
growing time, my father also frequently encouraged and guided me. Let me got many helps and happy memories. Unfortunately he died of liver cancer in 1993.But I consider that my father's life experience is able to educate the next generation.

The etiquette is the rule that between the human and the human exchanges, is one of languages, and is also one kind of tool. Because the origin of etiquette that is the difference of religious belief, let people who believe the different religious observe various etiquette. Along with our country revolute gradually, we must find out this etiquette's difference.

There are many differences between people and people, like social language, dining behaviors, and clothing types, etc. Now we are talking about the difference of dining etiquette.

The Chinese have an idiom that is called to the people foodstuff is all-important. Thus eating is the major event in Chinese life. The Chinese pay great attention on the cooked food color, smell and tastes, the shape, even has surpassed to nutrition attention. The Western diet is fastidious about nutrition and absorption is one kind of scientific idea.

While Chinese is eating and dinking, everybody is chatting and building a lovely and warm atmosphere. Chinese don’t have very formal etiquette only if at very official banquet. However Westerner likes quiet, tasteful, and peaceful environment at eating time. They recognize that our own etiquette must be noticed on dinner table's time. For example, we can’t make any noise when dining.
In China, most people think left side seat is the most important from ancient until now. When we invite customers, we must arrange the honored person setting on the left side seat and then arranges in turn. It is right side first in the West, and men and women are separated including husbands and wives.
The etiquette is one kind of culture and also has the longitudinal inheritance and crosswise model. Along with the world globalization, economy and cultural are on a collision course. The Western culture spills into China massively, and the Chinese tradition is also impacted unceasingly by the Western culture. We must protect the both culture of Chinese and Western, and let people think and discuss the topic. More and more people can realize that Chinese and Western culture will be mixed certainly, and develop unceasingly.

In summer,I often go to the beach.I like to see the beach,because I feeling of being free.of course, I and my family were very like go to the beach together.The beach can you to do play a lot of thing.You can go swimming,play volleyball,fishing,diving snorkeling,surfing and look at the eye candy or building sand castles .Because it have many play thing ,so I really like go to the beach.But it have dangerous ,so you must be taken to insure oneself safety.

2009年5月3日 星期日

I think in Chinese tradition the notion that men are breadwinners and women are housewives are very common.I am not a male chauvinist ,but i feel that women pay more attention on children than men.The maternal love is a instinct from the beginning of a child born.In my conclusion,women should take care of children.

Hello,everyone.This is Gaber Chen from Taiwan.Today we would like to share my opinion with you and wish to have your advance.Do you like smoking? Do you know that smoke can be sexual dysfunction.All right,today's topic is "how to quit smoking".In my presentation i will focus on breathe second-hand smoke because nonsmokers more than smoke.Breathe second-hand smoke causes lung cancer. Nonsmoking women married to smoking men have a high risk of developing heart disease.All of these facts from research show that breathe second-hand smoke is bad.How to quit smoke? How am i do.If i would like to quite it as below for your reference:The fist, tell everyone you want to quit smoking so let another people help you quit smoking.Next If i still want to smoke that i will slow exhaled to relax.The third,i will go to hospital take remedy.
Now we must to say after ten years of quitting the chance of getting cancer is almost the same as nonsmokers.So think about it.Quit the smoking for you will live better and longer.

Dear my queen:

If you really don't love me,be honest with me.Don't be later wait for you.I know women is water so it is very easy hurt. You are so variable that you almost treat me not feel.You said for me. A person that you haven't yet found the right person.That is very hard to meet right person.We often hear a sentence.The one you love is not equal to the one who loves you.We've already known each other over 6-years ago. I hope you can cherish this feeling that is not easy to got. I am not best man but I can take care of your live.I suppose I am quite attractive, but I always can't get your love.Can you tell me why?

A sad man...write

2009年4月29日 星期三

I ask my daughter some thing,but I find out her lie.This is not right thing.I tell her a story,....When I was a child,one thing I was not allowed to do was lie. I was always told that lying is worse than stealing.My mother used to say that by telling the turth,we show respect to ourselves and respect to other people.Once,my mother caught me telling a lie. She told me that when you lie,you are being dishonest with the person you are lying to and you are being dishonest with yourself.And that is the worst thing of all.I learned the values of honesty and respect from my mother.Until now, I still remember from my mother.So, i can teach my daughter, I can tell her and teach her.What is honest and lie the some thing.

2009年4月28日 星期二

I often listen to talk about this sentence lately.How to "kill quite big". Is have a girl running to catch something.That's right. That's TV advertisement helps to sell goods.It is reach effect and laugh.It's let me think my customer, global economy,my salary or anything all for "kill quite big". Don't continue for kill.Beacuse,i know killable all for kill off.I hope eveyone more and more good and more and more happiness.That's so nice a thing.Therefore everyone listen to "kill quite bid",don't be afraid.Beacuse,that just TV advertisement.

2009年4月23日 星期四

They're an odd couple in every sense but a monkey and a pigeon have become inseparable at an animal sanctuary in China.This is such a great story. I hope it shows people that animals do have feelings and that they should be taken care of, loved, and respected and not taken advantage of or abused as so often happens. We should be caretakers of this planet and all its beautiful creatures.We humans could learn a little something from this unlikely twosome: Tolerance, unconditional love, and respect for someone or something that very different than us.

2009年4月22日 星期三

What is Gaber?Gaber is me.Why name is Gaber.You ask to me,but i don't know. I just know that my English name is special. You can call me gaber but I'm not Gabber."What's Gabber the mean ? A person who open your mouth to talk about something is continuous.You can call me "Gabe"but it pronounce is different. The name is improtant ,becuase it's my first English's name.Although I have think change my name this question.Maybe I call Jason or Hank...Lock.Jerry..etc. I think this name is my keep up a little .....bit. I like my onself flavor ,becuase it already is my body a part.

2009年4月20日 星期一

"Pressure"What do you pressure? I really have a little of personal concern experience. Perssure is come from your work,family,test and oneslef. I felt very hard last week.Why? To do right thing not to manage. To do right thing, can you get more and more thing.When you are good man .You will be in the family get your protection.When you are good employee. You will be to do a model of employee. When you are good student. You will be very hard to study English.
This is right but it really not everyone to reach.So,....think...I think I should lived to the age of 70 is no problem.I really to thirst for free to do anything.Although I know to be no good but my head is full fantasy.That is not to break the law.Who give a shit?

2009年4月8日 星期三

Today is my suriprise the one night!!Why? Let me tell you come about some thing. Fist, I usually about pm7:30 o'clock to come off work at home. Every time ,I looking at my family waiting for me to go home,but when I am into door after nobady at home tonight. Suddenly, I find out some sound from my room. I sprang up and rushed to the room. I looking for my daughter treated me laugh. I start careful look at her. You are hair...you change new hairstyle. I can't believe it. It's true. I like your new hairstyle because It look like very cute and pretty.

2009年4月6日 星期一

My daughters were ill last week. This is one important thing to me. Her favorite dance,but her active very low lately. I guess. I know that the main cause is ill. I felt very sad and afraid. First, I hurry up!! My small daughter gave mother-in law of a man at home.My large daughter start feeling uncomfortable next day ,but My small daughter start feeling uncomfortable after three day. What can it possibly be? My heart thinking say . I take care of my children , but I not think let their ill. I wish My daughters were happy and healthy.

2009年3月29日 星期日

This is Gaber from Lunhwa university.I was born in 1973. There are one older brother and two younger sisters in my family beside me and my parents. I had married and two daughters. My daughters are very cute and funny. I really very love ones, It's including my wife.I'm work in process compoment dpt.Our product kinds of many parts .I'm interested in enjoy live,but It's not eat enough.So I began to learning Engish and better hard work.I hope 60-years-old,after I can to travel eveywhere.

My job is a sales manager.The job identity is precision maching of business scope. First, I usually manage my schedule every day. If problem is urgent, like customer quotation and order reconfirmed, I will arrange instantly.Furthermore, I will finish secondary works in the afternoon.For example, sales from reports,routine meeting, and customer visiting and replying...etc.If it's free time to relax, certainly I also drink a cup of coffee. To be sales does not have the stated time and working content,but there is having business achievement pressures.

2009年3月17日 星期二

Nowadays, digital camera is popular.There are many kinds of digital cameras circulating in the market. It has several differences between digital camera and film camera. First, the digital camera doesn't need films anyone.Camera has become smaller,lighter,and cheaper due to the technologic revolution.The photos are like computer files which can be saved on the disk. People don't need films gradually. The second kind of advantage is timesaving and easy-to-use. People just click the bottom,and then take pictures right away. Easy-to-use lets people use it even if they do not understand how to take a picture. The third advantage is that digital photos can be used in the computer. For example, we can make a unique birthday card, and send it to another person immediately. These exquisite photos can be edited and printed immediately. In conclusion, digital camera has several advantages including films reducing, timesaving, and convenience so everyone should own it.

South Korean researchers said Monday they have developed a robot which can dance and get emotional when it's not tackling the chores.I consider that technology is innovating constantly now. Automatic products are used more and more generally. Due to the innovation of compter and automatic progress. I believe that the future will by and by become a computerize and robitic age.

2009年3月16日 星期一

Hi,everyone.First of all,thank you all for coming here today.Let me introduce myself. My name is Gaber from Lunghwa university.Today's topic is how to live healthy.Health is important and need us habbit to changed.I divided my presentation into three parts.Fist one,Don't be overeat and overdrink.How do we eat health? Second one,Don't be stay up later.How do we enough sleep? Thirth one,Don't be lazy. How do we body active?My talk should take about 15 minutes.Feel free to ask any question, you can any time take my talk. Don't worry about my talk,I'll e-mail powerpoint presentation to you.

2009年3月5日 星期四

Did you know that riding a bicycle for as little as half an hour a day—around five miles—can cut your risk of developing heart disease in half? Not only that, but cycling is a lot less expensive than driving your car, not to mention pollution-free.
So why not ride to work today? You can do something good for your heart, your pocketbook and environment all the same time.

2009年3月1日 星期日

March is one of my favorite months.Why?Because it's spring,and the weather is beautiful.Also,my wedding date is in March.I still remember my 17th wedding date.
It was one of my favorite holiday.When I turned 17, I got my wedding license.I can stll remember how excited I was to plan a wedding- trip.So,I wish Everyone were happy in the world.

2009年2月3日 星期二

Today is the second working day from Chinese New Year’s holidays, but I still feel vocation is not finished yet.
During Chinese New Year, I ate very well and feel uncomfortable until now.
I think that a person eats or drinks too much is easy to feel ill.
In the other hand, it is very tired to go outside to travel.
Most of time is driving with the traffic jam and I think it is wastes time and life.
I wish I were a bird because I could fly to anywhere.

2009年1月19日 星期一

Today is first day I received the consumer voucher that government provided and my daughter is starting going to preschool. I think today is very special and meaningful. I should take down this special day.Most people are talking about the consumer voucher now. What kind of image does everybody think about consumer voucher? These vouchers add everyone's money ability or make him or her spend money easily are not the major point.It is important that money have to cost on the cutting edge.Because my family has four people, I figure out the total is NTD$ 14400.On the other side, my daughter is very exciting because she is starting to go to school. My wife and me are very happy due to she must start to attend class studies.