2009年5月4日 星期一

Thinking of marriage ? Still looking for the right one ? Perhaps these 7 tips will come in handy.Acknowledge that there is no ideal partner. An ideal partner is all a MYTH. It is ultimately just an ideal. We live in reality; and in reality , we are not perfect. Relook at your list of traits or ‘must haves’ that you want in a partner. Are there anything you can live without? The longer the list, the more difficult for someone to fill out. Cut it down to the basics.Identify what matters most.Do you go for looks? Wealth? Career or a Good heart? Concretize what you really want in your partner. The clearer you are with what you want, the easier it will be for you to spot. You can’t change a person. You can only change yourself.Don’t choose someone you hope to change when you marry. There is a high chance that who you marry now will likely be the same person 10 , 20 years later. Couples do adjust to one another's traits and quirks as their relationship grow but it usually happens after years of marriage. Do you have the patience? Be in the right place, at the right time Chances of finding a religious man is higher at a religious event than being at the library. Do some homework. Find out where the ones you like usually hang out. Make the effort to look around.Cast your net wideThe more eyes looking out, the more choices you will have. Don't be shy about asking for help. Identify people whom you trust who have your happiness in mind. Chances are, they would be more stringent in their choices than you would. Don't get pressured into accepting recommendations. It is still YOUR choice.Be the ideal.Remember, someone else is also looking for his/her ideal partner in you. Work on being the best person you can be for yourself. Make your best traits shine.Others will take notice. Rely on God When you have done your best, leave it to God to help you. Have a positive attitude and be open to see opportunities. Ask for guidance. God works in surprising ways.

