2009年5月14日 星期四

Last week,I went to Malaysia a business travel. I had occured many funny things.The first,I looked at many ethnic group from prepared by taxi at airport outside the place.They waited for coustomer arrival because it is taxi dirver.There were kinds of many ethnic had India,Malaysia,Chinese.It asked to me.Where to?Do you want to take a taxi?I take a taxi for driver in Chinese.It asked to me..Where can I take you to? I don't where that is. After,I telled it for my hotel name"equatorial hotel"...Do you knew where the equatorial hotel....Yes,I do(driver ask)...I think this is my English very well.When this is the first from my feeling.Then,I went to the hotel.Of course,I spoke English for check in my room.This is the second for spoke English.The third from my coustomer company.The fourth from a restaurant waiter.I came to Malaysia until for returning home. I was in all sevsnteen for spoke English.I guess, I was a business travel very happy for my English result.

