2009年5月21日 星期四

Although Taiwan and China are mutually understandable languages, there are quite different is driving habit. One different is the law. The visitor can apply the international drive license then can rent a car in Taiwan and drive in Taiwan but not allow in China. The visitor or even the oversea company staff from other country either. The second is the drive culture also different of horn way and it's fun version. Lot people arrived China always take the Taxi to the destination and they always hold the handrail when they get on the taxi and let go when they arrived due to a car passed whole things at top speed, sounding its horn but it’s less in Taiwan. It's not just the art of waiting in the traffic hour, it 's horn all the time and it's the driving habit different part. Taiwan horning is not allowed. The different of driving habit above or others for your reference but I think we understand each other most of the time because we have been go through.

