2009年5月4日 星期一

The etiquette is the rule that between the human and the human exchanges, is one of languages, and is also one kind of tool. Because the origin of etiquette that is the difference of religious belief, let people who believe the different religious observe various etiquette. Along with our country revolute gradually, we must find out this etiquette's difference.

There are many differences between people and people, like social language, dining behaviors, and clothing types, etc. Now we are talking about the difference of dining etiquette.

The Chinese have an idiom that is called to the people foodstuff is all-important. Thus eating is the major event in Chinese life. The Chinese pay great attention on the cooked food color, smell and tastes, the shape, even has surpassed to nutrition attention. The Western diet is fastidious about nutrition and absorption is one kind of scientific idea.

While Chinese is eating and dinking, everybody is chatting and building a lovely and warm atmosphere. Chinese don’t have very formal etiquette only if at very official banquet. However Westerner likes quiet, tasteful, and peaceful environment at eating time. They recognize that our own etiquette must be noticed on dinner table's time. For example, we can’t make any noise when dining.
In China, most people think left side seat is the most important from ancient until now. When we invite customers, we must arrange the honored person setting on the left side seat and then arranges in turn. It is right side first in the West, and men and women are separated including husbands and wives.
The etiquette is one kind of culture and also has the longitudinal inheritance and crosswise model. Along with the world globalization, economy and cultural are on a collision course. The Western culture spills into China massively, and the Chinese tradition is also impacted unceasingly by the Western culture. We must protect the both culture of Chinese and Western, and let people think and discuss the topic. More and more people can realize that Chinese and Western culture will be mixed certainly, and develop unceasingly.

