2009年5月3日 星期日

Hello,everyone.This is Gaber Chen from Taiwan.Today we would like to share my opinion with you and wish to have your advance.Do you like smoking? Do you know that smoke can be sexual dysfunction.All right,today's topic is "how to quit smoking".In my presentation i will focus on breathe second-hand smoke because nonsmokers more than smoke.Breathe second-hand smoke causes lung cancer. Nonsmoking women married to smoking men have a high risk of developing heart disease.All of these facts from research show that breathe second-hand smoke is bad.How to quit smoke? How am i do.If i would like to quite it as below for your reference:The fist, tell everyone you want to quit smoking so let another people help you quit smoking.Next If i still want to smoke that i will slow exhaled to relax.The third,i will go to hospital take remedy.
Now we must to say after ten years of quitting the chance of getting cancer is almost the same as nonsmokers.So think about it.Quit the smoking for you will live better and longer.

