2009年9月2日 星期三

In 1930,Paris,the restaurant for luncheon name is Foyot's.

Narrator and his friend-by-correspondence a woman who is round 40 years old, talkative and have more teeth, white and large and even.

Plot summary-
The story started in 1930,Paris, the very expensive restaurant for luncheon name is Foyot's,Narrator met his friend-by correspondence a woman there.The woman who is round 40 years old, talkative and have more teeth, white and large and even, Narrator prepare to be an attentive listener due to Foyot's is more expensive than he can afford so he can counted when the woman re-order and always keep his smiled to be generously man. The Luncheon seems long, depressive,Narrator left Foyot's without a penny in his pocket.

After read this short story, I wondering if I am Narrative should I be honestly to talk to my friend-by-correspondence about my status or discuss to change the restaurant to keep my normal life and to have a great luncheon with my friend-by-correspondence or that just a man's improper pride?

