2009年12月31日 星期四

I live in Sanshia and the most popular nearby spot is Sanshia Old Street. I think the reason why it’s so popular is about architecture. When going for a walk along the Sanshia Old Street, it seems to enter the time tunnel. We can see a great stretch of brick arch and classical, antique buildings, which makes us sick for ancient times and forget to go back home to enjoy it. Since many shops in the old street managed by rich people before, the style and material for buildings are outstanding at that time. Many materials of buildings were imported from other places and even, some architects were hired from the UK. In the roof outshot and the underneath part of outdoor window lattice of the second floor have many kinds of decorative design implying various meanings and interests. Many young people can know the commercial buildings during the Japanese colonial rule and how famous it is in those years, which can have culture inheritance be handed down from one generation to another. However, it leads to destroy the historical nature appearance and becomes more and more commercialized due to the operation of many shops. However, basically Sanshia Old Street has been a landmark in Sanshia, that’s why many visitors come here to go shopping.

