2010年5月18日 星期二

How is shopping on the Internet different from and similar to shopping in stores?
Needless to day, shopping on the Internet and shopping in stories become an integral part of our daily life. Since shopping is closely connected with public life, busy modern must pick the most suitable ways of shopping to make their life more free and easy.
Nowadays several ways of shopping such as the catalog marketing, the internet, the telephone, and the huge shopping mall come with the tide of fashion to provide us various options in regard to buying things. The initial shopping way is the catalog marketing whose target of buying is for specific people, groups, or members. However, the most fashionable way of 2010 is shopping on the Internet. Many people who can use computer like to surf the Internet to get further and rich information about commodities at home to enjoy shopping fun.
Although people like to buy things from different web sites, most people are concerned for trustworthiness, quality, and safety among these different shops on the Internet. It may provide us convenience and save much time to get rid of shopping in jam-packed stores; nevertheless, more and more frauds on the Internet come, so even these tens of thousands of shops can be selected, we still worry that buy the bad things and frauds.
As heart of some people is still full of misgivings regarding shopping on the Internet, they prefer to go shopping in the real shop. At shopping malls, people are able to buy anything that they like on the spot if they want. Meanwhile, nice and kind clerks provide good service and detail to customers all the functions of products. Even so, it has a drawback. When a special discount starts, shopping mall swarms with thousands of people.
In my view, the Internet has widely become a channel for electronic commerce. The reason why some people prefer online shopping is the current trend of electronic commerce. Therefore, shopping via Internet becomes quick, easy and fun.

