2010年5月19日 星期三

A sound may be considered noise pollution if it disturbs the activities or happiness of human harm and life. The causes of noise pollution in general are from in our daily life, industrial noise, and individuals.

Basically, the main cause of noise pollution in daily life comes from transportation especially vehicles, air traffic, rail traffic and others. It also can be simple as a noisy neighbor that has no regard for others by something like television volume at night and even noises from home equipment such as the vacuum machine and kitchen appliances.

Other source includes industrial noises from factories. Machines in the factories create extreme sound that disrupts the ability to join the peaceful enjoyment.

Without doubt, the individual is the most common cause of noise pollution. People who are just rude in their view of others by playing loud music, owing dogs that bark constantly or leaving children at home to create noise.

Noise pollution is getting worse and worse and it is easy to see why noise pollution has become so firmly entrenched in our lives.

