2009年11月30日 星期一

When you go to an interview, you want to make a good impression. Here are five things not to do during an interview:

1.Don't be late to the interview.If you are late,then you don't care about the job.Be on time is very important.

2.Don't be rude to anyone. Be polite to everyone and make friends with the receptionist. He or she can help you. If you aren't nice, everyone will soon know.

3.Don't say bad things about your old boss. Don't be a negative person.

4.Don't use bad language. That's not professional.

5.Don't lie. People will find out. Tell the turth about everything--even your bad experiences.Tell about about the lessons you learned from it.

Finally, wish you find out a good work in today year.

Thanks for your listening~

