2009年11月29日 星期日

At lately, I often to went to interview for created new maket.Acorrding to, my personal has experience to do some conversation with Roy .

Q1: Hi, nice to meet you.My name is Roy. I am the manager of sales department.Today is your interview.Fist, what's your name?

Ans: My name is Gaber.Nice to meet you.

Q2:Tell me about yourself.

Ans:I graduate from college, and major in Applied Foreign Languages.I am an active and easy-going person and also like interacting with people.

Q3:Excellent. Why do you like to apply for the job?

Ans:Because I not only like this company,but also explore the world by touching coustomers.Moreover I believe I will improve in the future with the environment of your company.

Q4:Why do you resign from you previous company?

Ans:Because my parents wanted me to come back hometown, I quitted from previous company.Now I am here to apply this new job.

Q5:What's your strength and weakness?

Ans: I am very punctual and responsible at work. I am also a patient person, and I believe patient is quite necessary character when dealing with customers. In the other hand, I think I lack the time sense.

Q6:How much do you know about our company?

Ans: I have noticed your company for a long time when I was a university student. As a result of location and company system, there is good fame in the industry.Therefore I want to apply for the job.

Q7:What are you interests outside of work?

Ans: I like reading, listening the music, and jogging.These activities make me relax pressure.

Q8:Do you have any question about our company or the job?

Ans: Thank you very much. I will look forward to hear good news from you. I really feel like to get this job.

that's all~

