2009年10月28日 星期三

According to, there are many types of music in the world due to different countries. Every country have their creative music. It's own varies culture and information. The one of popular music for following their own varies culture and true life to hand down.For the popular music in 20 century, we have Blue, Jazz, classical music, pop music.... and also the new style such as heavy metal, rock and hip pop and so on.
At first, classical music is the most people to recommend type one. It’s very comfortable and soft for listening. It always brings people into a peace world to enjoy the musical notation in their deep mind. The long sell products, as Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, Mozart, Tchaikovsky...and I love the classical world.
The next one, blue and jazz born from south of USA. By black people whom to voice their mood. By music in the small and under ground room so people always call it for mood music.
Finally, It’s very easy to get into with and share the mood. People can follow so quickly to sing and dance. Their feelings new age pop music is the one of mainstream, that's for sure.
To sum up, popular music changes constantly. We think great music can to go around of the world. Cross the space-time. People who like to eulogize everywhere till the end.

