2009年12月31日 星期四

I live in Sanshia and the most popular nearby spot is Sanshia Old Street. I think the reason why it’s so popular is about architecture. When going for a walk along the Sanshia Old Street, it seems to enter the time tunnel. We can see a great stretch of brick arch and classical, antique buildings, which makes us sick for ancient times and forget to go back home to enjoy it. Since many shops in the old street managed by rich people before, the style and material for buildings are outstanding at that time. Many materials of buildings were imported from other places and even, some architects were hired from the UK. In the roof outshot and the underneath part of outdoor window lattice of the second floor have many kinds of decorative design implying various meanings and interests. Many young people can know the commercial buildings during the Japanese colonial rule and how famous it is in those years, which can have culture inheritance be handed down from one generation to another. However, it leads to destroy the historical nature appearance and becomes more and more commercialized due to the operation of many shops. However, basically Sanshia Old Street has been a landmark in Sanshia, that’s why many visitors come here to go shopping.

2009年12月30日 星期三

On my classmate's recommendation about the introduction of travel, I really would like to go to Thailand. There are many resorts of Thailand, which are managed by foreigner’s especially western people. I guess this is because Thailand is their favorite resort with beautiful beaches, strong eastern impresses, and lower prices of commodities; meanwhile, restaurants mainly serve western-style, Chinese-style and traditional Thailand food. While having a meal, you can also enjoy the river scenery. Many garden restaurants here have a lot of atmosphere. Besides, Aromatic Spa Treatment, Body Massage and Herbal Steam make me relaxed. In addition, you can also join forest activities, such as bamboo rafting, riding elephants, jungle running, rafting. Those are local popular activities and basically, Thailand is a paradise for travelers that’s, why I want to go there.

2009年12月29日 星期二

Stress is a common problem for most people in the modern society. We should find the proper ways to relieve stress, whether it arises from the worries of work or other specific reasons.
For my habits, doing exercise is the best medicine of eliminating pressure to relax my mind and body after a stressful and difficult day. A long run and going for a swim are both my good choices of exercise, which I often make. Of course, the easiest way in helping me get rid of stress is taking a deep breath whenever I feel it.
Without a doubt, the reason why I always easily become stressed out is lack of enough time to complete something urgent with the time limit or encountering great difficulties at work. However, as long as the work is completed as scheduled or difficulties can be readily solved, stress will released so fast. Therefore, to be organized and efficient is the one and the only way of assisting me in solving these problems as above-mentioned.
Occasionally, after a day’s work I relax by having a glass of red wine before going to bed. In addition, listening to classic music or going to an interesting movie also has a great effect on release of working pressure. In brief, try to do something simple and happy all the time.
It is believed that if we find out our own ways to feel better under pressure, we will be able to overcome a lot of difficulties we have faced and get further success in not only work but also other aspects.

2009年12月22日 星期二

Hong Kong is a city of great vitality, where East meets West in a fusion of creativity and dynamism unrivalled anywhere on the planet. Everywhere, every day, opportunities await those who seek them.
At the south-eastern tip of China, Hong Kong covers Hong Kong Island, Lantau Island, the Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories, including 262 outlying islands. Between Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula lies Victoria Harbour, one of the world's most renowned deep-water harbours
Hong Kong's climate is sub-tropical, with temperatures dropping below 10 degrees Celsius in winter and exceeding 31 degrees Celsius in summer. It is warm, sunny and dry in autumn, cool and dry in winter, and hot, humid and rainy from spring to summer
Hong Kong is a multicultural city with a multiracial population living in harmony. Tolerance for the customs and traditions of all religions and ethnic groups is part of the city's cosmopolitan philosophy. It is only natural that facilities exist for all in this peaceful and eclectic city. In Hong Kong, everyone is free to openly worship according to their own beliefs. As most of the world's religions have places of worship here, any religious group with special dietary requirements is easily catered for in Hong Kong
Hong Kong is a wonderful trip place. There are much delicious food and many shopping malls in the city. The weather in Hong Kong is similar to Taiwan. The people there is mostly Chinese and, have course, I can meet many people from different countries in the world. The horse racing in Hong Kong is very excited and is held twice every week. Besides, the Disneyland Park and the Ocean Park are the most wonderful paradise in the city. More important is that Hong Kong is not too far away from Taiwan and I can travel between the two places by flight in one and a half hour.
To make some decisions in my mind in this new year
First of all, I myself English can be ability promotion. At least, I can read two kinds English magazine or book in the week. Then, Finding out with foreigner to talk with each other chance and modify speech ability. It is a systematic attempt to strengthen our competitive skill.

Second, I want my family very happy life. I can to get position advancement for make much money. I with my family plan to go to travel twice a month. It is a mood of optimism pervaded in family life.

Third, I want to quit some bad habits. I will decrease smoking; I will try to decrease smoking five cigarettes every day. Then, I will improve overeat and over drink the habits. The diet can be balanced and keep standard weight. I will do my best to reach it.