2009年11月30日 星期一

I guess, I should be on water activities. I like going to the beach most cause from I really like to see the beach especially if it's really clean. The ocean gives you that feeling of being free.Interested in going to the beach today? That sound is very happy a thing. The beach cans you to do play a lot of thing. You can go swimming, play volleyball, fishing, diving snorkeling, surfing and look at the eye candy or building sand castles.
Because it has many playthings, so I really like going to the beach. But it has dangerous, so you must be taken to insure oneself safety.
Gaber : May I speak to Mr. Huang , please.
This is Gaber of ABC company.
Roy : This is Mr.Huang speaking.
Gaber : I would like to have an appointment with you.
Roy : I will visit your factory at 10:00 PM tomorrow.
Gaber : I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Roy : see you
Gaber : see you
Roy : Hi , is Gaber in the office.
Vicky : Do you have an appointment with him?
Roy : Yes , I have a ten o’clock appointment.
Vicky : I will tell Gaber that you are here. Please wait here in the reception room.
Roy : Alright , thank you.
Vicky : Would you like a cup of tea or coffee ?
Roy : A cup of tea , thank you.
Gaber : May I introduce the customer from IEM company ,
Mr Huang And Mr Huang this is our manager Mr. Kuo
Jerry : How do you do , Mr Huang
Roy : How do you do , Mr Kuo Glad to meet you , too.
Jerry : Gaber has told me a lot about you .I have often heard of you in business and I have been looking forward to meeting you.
Gaber : Please have a seat. Make yourself at home.
Roy : Thank you I am so glad to be here.
Jerry : Here is my name card and may I have Yours?
Roy : Yes , this is mine.
Jerry : Would you be interesting in going to see our new products
in Taipei trade exhibition next Friday?
Roy : That would be very nice.
Ken : Welcome to our booth.
Gaber : Mr Huang this is our salesman , Ken
Ken : How do you do , Mr Huang
Roy : How do you do , Ken
Ken : Our PDA is the best in the market with its light weight and low price. Compared with competing products , it is smaller and lighter.
There has been a big rush for our products lately.
Here is the catalog you asked for.
Roy : Thank you.
When you go to an interview, you want to make a good impression. Here are five things not to do during an interview:

1.Don't be late to the interview.If you are late,then you don't care about the job.Be on time is very important.

2.Don't be rude to anyone. Be polite to everyone and make friends with the receptionist. He or she can help you. If you aren't nice, everyone will soon know.

3.Don't say bad things about your old boss. Don't be a negative person.

4.Don't use bad language. That's not professional.

5.Don't lie. People will find out. Tell the turth about everything--even your bad experiences.Tell about about the lessons you learned from it.

Finally, wish you find out a good work in today year.

Thanks for your listening~
Do you think the Chinese are superstitious?
I've heard a lot of funny things about Chinese wedding customs.For example,the bridegroom should not be older than the bride by three, six, or nine years; and certain signs of the zodiac cannot marry certain other signs. For instance, a person who was born in the year of the dragon cannot marry some one who was born in the year of the tiger, because they will fight each other.
Are you very religious some thing? If you asked to me . I can tell you ,I don't like it either. If those superstitions really work, then why is the divorce rate still so high in Taiwan? But it was my personal idea .The other hand , Most people believes in superstitious for it was the old tradition in Chinese

2009年11月29日 星期日

At lately, I often to went to interview for created new maket.Acorrding to, my personal has experience to do some conversation with Roy .

Q1: Hi, nice to meet you.My name is Roy. I am the manager of sales department.Today is your interview.Fist, what's your name?

Ans: My name is Gaber.Nice to meet you.

Q2:Tell me about yourself.

Ans:I graduate from college, and major in Applied Foreign Languages.I am an active and easy-going person and also like interacting with people.

Q3:Excellent. Why do you like to apply for the job?

Ans:Because I not only like this company,but also explore the world by touching coustomers.Moreover I believe I will improve in the future with the environment of your company.

Q4:Why do you resign from you previous company?

Ans:Because my parents wanted me to come back hometown, I quitted from previous company.Now I am here to apply this new job.

Q5:What's your strength and weakness?

Ans: I am very punctual and responsible at work. I am also a patient person, and I believe patient is quite necessary character when dealing with customers. In the other hand, I think I lack the time sense.

Q6:How much do you know about our company?

Ans: I have noticed your company for a long time when I was a university student. As a result of location and company system, there is good fame in the industry.Therefore I want to apply for the job.

Q7:What are you interests outside of work?

Ans: I like reading, listening the music, and jogging.These activities make me relax pressure.

Q8:Do you have any question about our company or the job?

Ans: Thank you very much. I will look forward to hear good news from you. I really feel like to get this job.

that's all~