2009年10月30日 星期五

There is growing trend in some countries to restrict smoking. Many smokers think that this is a violation of their right. I think it is my right to smoke. However, I agree that there should be limitations.

The first and most important reason to smoke should be banned only in enclosed spaces. Second-hand smoke really bothers some people. Some are even allergic.

The second reason is restrict smoking in public places. I think we need to share our spaces. Because we are free country for we should all respect the rights of others.

To summarize, the limitations should be reasonable. I think it should not be allowed in enclosed and public places. It should be allowed where it cannot bother anyone.

2009年10月28日 星期三

Hello everyone.This is a photograph of my in Taipei world Trade center.It was taken by my friend when I visited in Taipei world Trade center from comptext last time.In Taiwan,Every year have many kinds of show. I usually to visit show when I'm work to need.
The TWTC was started in 1986. It's in Taiwan's largest exhibition hall is a landmark on the nation's business horizen. This showground consists of 23450 square meters and it's divided into four areas with a capacity for 1300 stardard exhibition booths.
In conclusion, Every year have many kinds of tradshow for worldwide. It brings the nation's enconomy is growing up.
Thank you.
According to, there are many types of music in the world due to different countries. Every country have their creative music. It's own varies culture and information. The one of popular music for following their own varies culture and true life to hand down.For the popular music in 20 century, we have Blue, Jazz, classical music, pop music.... and also the new style such as heavy metal, rock and hip pop and so on.
At first, classical music is the most people to recommend type one. It’s very comfortable and soft for listening. It always brings people into a peace world to enjoy the musical notation in their deep mind. The long sell products, as Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, Mozart, Tchaikovsky...and I love the classical world.
The next one, blue and jazz born from south of USA. By black people whom to voice their mood. By music in the small and under ground room so people always call it for mood music.
Finally, It’s very easy to get into with and share the mood. People can follow so quickly to sing and dance. Their feelings new age pop music is the one of mainstream, that's for sure.
To sum up, popular music changes constantly. We think great music can to go around of the world. Cross the space-time. People who like to eulogize everywhere till the end.

2009年10月27日 星期二

I wish to improve my English. But I do not give enough effort to studying . These days I am busy with my job and homework. I feel to study English or to do anything by yourself hard and heart. In the here , I can write a story or some expression to share give my reader. I really very thank my teacher and student are to help me for my study English .Although learning a foreign language can be hard. Finding chances to practice the new language isn't easy. There are too many new words to learn, and grammar is hard.But I see to do it can have chance finish.Some people don't like to share embarrassing moments. But I don't care.Becurse I like to make people laugh from my identity.I often make mistakes, and that is OK. Making mistakes can help me learn. Finally, I think tell Ken ,Roy,Jerry...let me together encourage for during to learn.
Do you like trains? I do! I love to business by train, so I went on a trip on the High speed Rail! There are many cars on this first train.There are have different classes of service. You can choose to sit in a standard class car or a business class car.Business class in more comfortable,but standard class is cheaper! Why does this train go so fast? Because it have a very powerful engin. The high speed rail also uses special train tracks. These trains make less noise and pollution.The high speed rail stations are also special. They are very modern and clean. These stations need to have long platfroms where passengers can get on this long train! I'm very like it .Next time ,If I want to business ,I will be choose by train at first one .