2009年3月29日 星期日

This is Gaber from Lunhwa university.I was born in 1973. There are one older brother and two younger sisters in my family beside me and my parents. I had married and two daughters. My daughters are very cute and funny. I really very love ones, It's including my wife.I'm work in process compoment dpt.Our product kinds of many parts .I'm interested in enjoy live,but It's not eat enough.So I began to learning Engish and better hard work.I hope 60-years-old,after I can to travel eveywhere.

My job is a sales manager.The job identity is precision maching of business scope. First, I usually manage my schedule every day. If problem is urgent, like customer quotation and order reconfirmed, I will arrange instantly.Furthermore, I will finish secondary works in the afternoon.For example, sales from reports,routine meeting, and customer visiting and replying...etc.If it's free time to relax, certainly I also drink a cup of coffee. To be sales does not have the stated time and working content,but there is having business achievement pressures.

2009年3月17日 星期二

Nowadays, digital camera is popular.There are many kinds of digital cameras circulating in the market. It has several differences between digital camera and film camera. First, the digital camera doesn't need films anyone.Camera has become smaller,lighter,and cheaper due to the technologic revolution.The photos are like computer files which can be saved on the disk. People don't need films gradually. The second kind of advantage is timesaving and easy-to-use. People just click the bottom,and then take pictures right away. Easy-to-use lets people use it even if they do not understand how to take a picture. The third advantage is that digital photos can be used in the computer. For example, we can make a unique birthday card, and send it to another person immediately. These exquisite photos can be edited and printed immediately. In conclusion, digital camera has several advantages including films reducing, timesaving, and convenience so everyone should own it.

South Korean researchers said Monday they have developed a robot which can dance and get emotional when it's not tackling the chores.I consider that technology is innovating constantly now. Automatic products are used more and more generally. Due to the innovation of compter and automatic progress. I believe that the future will by and by become a computerize and robitic age.

2009年3月16日 星期一

Hi,everyone.First of all,thank you all for coming here today.Let me introduce myself. My name is Gaber from Lunghwa university.Today's topic is how to live healthy.Health is important and need us habbit to changed.I divided my presentation into three parts.Fist one,Don't be overeat and overdrink.How do we eat health? Second one,Don't be stay up later.How do we enough sleep? Thirth one,Don't be lazy. How do we body active?My talk should take about 15 minutes.Feel free to ask any question, you can any time take my talk. Don't worry about my talk,I'll e-mail powerpoint presentation to you.

2009年3月5日 星期四

Did you know that riding a bicycle for as little as half an hour a day—around five miles—can cut your risk of developing heart disease in half? Not only that, but cycling is a lot less expensive than driving your car, not to mention pollution-free.
So why not ride to work today? You can do something good for your heart, your pocketbook and environment all the same time.

2009年3月1日 星期日

March is one of my favorite months.Why?Because it's spring,and the weather is beautiful.Also,my wedding date is in March.I still remember my 17th wedding date.
It was one of my favorite holiday.When I turned 17, I got my wedding license.I can stll remember how excited I was to plan a wedding- trip.So,I wish Everyone were happy in the world.